Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Appreciative does not cover how I feel right now.

There are so many things I want to say about how amazing today was.  But first, I am going to again apologize for not posting in so long.  I cannot remember when I had time to think about anything other than work and family.  We are still in the hunt to find homes for our beloved family pets and hope that we can find them homes soon.  Fundraising is about to begin with some simple small fundraisers.

With help from the Guardian Angel Service Dogs Facebook family we found a neat fundraiser that is just SUPER cool.  We are going to get bracelets with the slogan "Until Theres A Cure, Theres A Dog" and sell them at events.  We have a few ideas for t-shirts to sell and possibly organizing a walk to benefit funding the dog.  There are more fundraising ideas we have cooking as well.  We just need to get them under way!

So let me get back to today.  I am a member of the River Blenders Chorus.  We are a chapter of Sweet Adelines International (check us out at www.riverblenders.org).  Our rehearsal nights are on Monday evenings.  Due to being out of town this weekend and getting back VERY late on Sunday night, I had some work to do yesterday so I was not able to go to our regular rehearsal.  So today I get an email from Cindy - a very close friend in the chorus.  It said, "Missed you last night.  I need to talk to you, call me tonight."  When people tell me they need to talk to me a worry about them a little.  So I went in back at work and called her up.  I asked if she was OK and she said she was just fine.  She proceeded to ask me how to make donations for Brad.  I told her that there were a few options to donate to getting Brad's dog.  So, she tells me that while her sister was in town she had dinner with another lady, Susan, in our chorus and she asked how I was doing.  Cindy proceeded to tell her that we had a lot going on with trying to find homes for our pets, moving in with Brads parents to get back on our feet and then trying to get Brad his alert dog.  She told her that it was going to require some fundraising as they are very expensive dogs.  So apparently Susan had come to chorus last night and was a little down that I wasn't at chorus because she had a donation for Brad's alert dog.  I lost it on the phone at this point.  Cindy then lost it again.  I was just so appreciative that someone would do this for my Bradley.  So Cindy told me to come pick up the check before I called Susan to thank her.  So tonight Brad, Sabrina and I ran over to Cindy's house.  We chatted for a bit and then Cindy gave me the check.  My jaw DROPPED.  It was an above and beyond donation for Brad's dog.  It was a donation that made me get a little teary eyed and wonder what Brad and I did to deserve such a gift.  I just cannot find the right words to express my appreciation for such a gift.  Thank you is only a start. 

Let me tell you a little bit about Susan.  I have always thought Susan was this amazing person.  When I joined chorus I could not help but fall in love with her amazing powerful voice.  She is a Sweet Adelines Queen of Harmony and a role model for all of us.  She has a sense of humor that could get anyone and has a heart the size of the planet.  When she sings it is simply breath taking.  She loves her chorus so much.  We love her so much too.  She is our assistant director and really pushes us to bring it all to the table.  She is also battling cancer with a smile and sass like no other and confidence that make all of us want to aspire to be just like her.  More than all of that she is a angel on this planet. 

This makes me love my chorus even more.  I am trying to think of how I can pay this kindness to my family forward.  My chorus is like family.  For 9 years they have been there for me.  They were there for my wedding to Brad and sang beautiful music that made my day so special.  I have a few ideas for a special little gift to give to Susan, but I am also going to take this kindness that was done to my family and put it out there in the universe. 

I must have done something special to receive a gift like this.  I am not sure what it is, but I am going to make sure that I keep doing it.  I believe in karma and that means I had to have put some kind of amazing kindness out into the universe to receive such a kindness back.  So I have to keep that going!  So many people in this world need kindness.

Knowing that we are on our way to getting my sweet husband the alert dog he so desperately needs is amazing.  Words cannot express my gratitude for Ms Susan and for everyone how has asked how they can help and what they can do to help with fundraising events.  I am so blessed with the best family and friends. 

I hope everyone is ready to get going, because I know I am!!

Thank you Ms Susan.  You are something extra special and my family appreciates everything from the bottom of our hearts.



  1. It's amazing the generosity some people have. It sounds like Susan has so much going on in her life and she is still putting other before herself. It's truly an act of selflessness, and I know you are forever thankful. I'm sure your appreciation is all she needs....now I need to go get a Kleenex!
    Love you Tiff, I'm lucky to have such a wonderful, caring cousin!

    1. Thanks Meg! You are so sweet. Thank you for your comments. Made me smile. Love you to!! Hug your kids for me!


  2. Amazing Tiff!! Loved hearing about it tonight! See ya Monday!!!
